Parent Suitcase is redefining what it means to be a parental support community.




Parent Suitcase is a community for parents everywhere, facing various struggles & circumstances.

With an emphasis on genuine connection, community, and belonging, Parent Suitcase offers professional, backed-up resources that get to the true heart of the various issues parents face. The mission behind Parent Suitcase is to develop a community that holds what many parents have been lacking in their journey of parenting obstacles:

Community, empathy, connection

Parent Suitcase has a distinct and intentional focus on quality of content + resources over the aesthetic “quick fix” method that’s currently crowding social media. Parent Suitcase aims to be a hub of insight + resources that tackle real topics that are often glossed over (if mentioned at all) on social media.

Parent Suitcase is redefining what it means to be a parental support community; it strays away from the cookie cutter social media self-help jargon and instead digs deep into the real issues families face behind closed doors.

Is your baggage weighing you down?

Over time, we all accumulate our own personal suitcase of “baggage” — the things that weigh us down and affect us subconsciously, like trauma, adverse childhood experiences, hardships, etc.

We explore the process of unpacking our baggage in order to re-pack our “parent suitcase” with the right resources, tools, & confidence in our parenting journey.

Start Repacking Your Suitcase With Our Resources

  • Connect with a community where we collaborate and share ideas & helpful resources.

    You can find our Patreon here.

  • Check out our Podcast appearances and other guest speaking engagements on burnout and family wellbeing.

  • Weekly parental-health centered topics that dig deep into the real problems parents face behind closed doors.

    Read our blog here.

  • A newsletter featuring upcoming events, speaking engagements, podcasts, and collaborations.

  • Connect with our community on Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.